Tanzania Red Cross Society (TRCS)
FOR THE YEAR 2024/2025
Tanzania Red Cross Society (TRCS) is a humanitarian organization enacted by the Act of Parliament No. 72 of 1962 and it miscellaneous amendment No. 4 of 2019, mandated to implement disaster relief program activities and other related community-based projects for the purpose of helping the needy, wounded, sick, disabled and the vulnerable in times of peace or war and manmade or natural disasters. It is guided by the Fundamental Principles of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement in assisting communities in their efforts to prevent, prepare and respond to disasters.
The Tanzania Red Cross Society invites applicants from interested firms (including current suppliers) for prequalification for the supply of goods, works and services to the organization for the year 2025 as follows:
- Pre-qualification is open to all eligible National Suppliers/Contractors/Service Providers with proven experience and capacity. Prices are not required at this stage.
- Existing suppliers who wish to be retained MUST apply afresh and submit up-to-date information.
- Clearly indicate Tender Number and names; failure to comply will disqualify your application.
- Tanzania Red Cross Society reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on failure to follow solicitation instructions.
- The bid evaluation processes will be conducted as per Tanzania Red Cross Society Internal
Procurement Guidelines. - Interested and eligible firms can obtain a complete set of the Pre-Qualification documents from the office of the Secretary of TRCS Tender Committee office during working hours from 1st November, 2024 to 15th November, 2024(excluding Saturday and Sunday) between 0930hrs1600hrs local time except during lunch time from 1300 to 1400 hrs. at a non-refundable fee of Tanzania Shillings 100,000 per tender (TZS 100,000/=).
Mode of Payment
Pay by using Bank Account number 011103002443, Name of Account: TANZANIA RED CROSS SOCIETY.
Visit any of National Bank of Commerce NBC Bank to pay. You will be required to present the deposit slip to the TRCS in order to get receipt which will-enable to buy Tender document at PLU office.
- Late expressions of interest shall not be accepted for evaluation, irrespective of the
circumstances. - Attach price list of all services offered, materials or items to be supplied and you wish to be considered at each categories.
Interested suppliers should send the below listed qualification documents and information to the address as indicated in section B:
- Company details with company profile like name, position, telephone contacts, email address, full details of the physical location, the company website and official email address.
- Pre-qualification registration documents including Copy of business License, TIN certificate, VAT registration certificate, certificate of incorporation, power of attorney.
- Financial positions/ investments indicating your company turnover for the period 2021,2022 & 2023 (financial statements). Please attach copies of audited books of accounts for the indicated period.
- 4 Past Performance and Experience, please provide at least three letters of recommendation from organizations where you company has supplied similar services in the last three years. The letter should state on the recommending organization’s letterhead, type of goods and services you supplied, comment on performance of your company, number of years they have done business with your company and attach documentary evidence of existence of contract e.g. Local Purchase Order, Contract, Frame work agreement etc.
- Confirmed statement to declare that to the best of your knowledge the information submitted in this pre-qualification process (and any supporting documentation) are correct.
- Late Tenders, Portion of Tenders, Electronic Tenders, Tenders not received, Tenders not
opened and not read out in public at the tender opening ceremony shall not be accepted for
evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.
Completed Documents, in plain envelopes marked with the Tender Category Number and Description, should be deposited in the Tender Box provided at the Tanzania Red Cross Society at the below address on or before 16:00hrs 21st November, 2024 and addressed to:
Secretary General
Attn: Procurement and Logistics department,
Tanzania Red Cross Society
Mwai Kibaki Road, Mikocheni
P. O. Box 1133 Dar es Salaam. Tanzania
Att: the deadline for submission will be before 16:00hrs on 21st November 2024. Bids Prequalification documents are available and interested and eligible candidates/bidders may obtain further information and the tender documents at Tanzania Red Cross Society – Dares Salaam HQ.
For any enquiries/questions please call +255 685 715 225, +255675929412 or Email: [email protected] , [email protected]