- Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the global economy and for those countries
which are able to attract tourism business, tourism can be a means of accelerating economic growth
and providing employment, especially if strong linkages with domestic economy are developed; the
same applies to Zanzibar which is richly endowed with cultural, historic, natural and man-made
tourism attractions.
During the last twenty years, Zanzibar have attracted the major part of tourism investments, which
due to the lack of enforcement of laws and legislation, poor rural planning and inadequate
institutional capacity for sustainable development, have been spontaneous and have negatively
affected the sustainable use of natural recourses. Therefore, determining the tourism carrying
capacity of Zanzibar is thus vital to ensure a balance between achieving optimal tourism
development without compromising the delicate environmental and social structure of the nation,
i.c., sustainable tourism development which refers to tourism that is environmentally, socially and
economically acceptable or tourism development within the carrying capacity.
The government has seen the need to conduct study focusing on the Tourism Carrying Capacity of
Zanzibar, (TCCZ-2022) with consideration for its specific natural and cultural resources.
The TCCZ-2022-Study is in line with development of the Zanzibar Tourism Master Plan (2002)
and in response to the increasing volume of tourists arriving on the island. It is conducted
purposely to review the implication of growing tourism numbers and evaluates potential changes in
planning and management to achieve desired conditions within the tourism industry. International
tourism arrivals to Zanzibar have more than double over the last 20 years, with recorded of over
5000 tourists in 2019. The recent increase volume of visitor is putting pressures on capacity in term
of accommodation and key locations such as stone town, (Denise and Pavol, 2014).
The objective of the tourism carrying capacity study of Zanzibar is to establish the current
development status of the island with regards to a number of key indicators and define the
acceptance amount of change of certain parameters in view of achieving sustainable development
of Zanzibar and vulnerable marine and heritage environment, through different activities which
will lead to assessment of social carrying capacity, human resources capacity, assessment of
physical carrying capacity including land use, utilities and waste, and assessment of environmental
carrying capacity, (Denise and Pavol, 2014).
- The service under the contract shall include but not limited to the following:
i. Conduct literature reviews on the current tourism carrying capacity studies and summarize major
methodologies, findings and policy implications. The literature review will provide the current
snapshot of existing conditions related to tourism’s impact including economy, arrivals, productive
infrastructure, socio-economic conditions, land use, and public service utilities in Zanzibar.
ii. Develop specific carrying capacity methodology, model and/or indicator framework to be used
to assess the tourism carrying capacity for Zanzibar. The Carrying Capacity Indicator Framework
is a template that sets the baseline for Zanzibar to monitor, control and evaluate its carrying
capacity thresholds.
iii. Conduct field research survey(s) for territorial evidence and visualizations in both Unguja and
Pemba to establish the current tourism development status with regards to a number of key
environmental, social, cultural, and economic indicators.
iv. Project and suggest growth scenarios based on the ZCCT model. The advantages and
disadvantages of cach scenario, and provide tentative views with a strategic tourism policy
direction that supports the high valuc, low impact tourism model Zanzibar is striving for.
v. Conduct global and regional comparative analysis. The TCCZ- 2022 study must be compared
and contrasted with other neighboring SIDs countries such as Seychelles, Mauritius, Comoros and
vi. Preparations of draft chapters, outputs and reports based on the developed data and information
collection methodologies and approaches. These must provide identification of Zanzibar Tourism
Carrying Capacity priority issues and establishment of a carrying capacity baseline.
vii. Provide policy recommendations that will help stakeholders manage acceptable change of
certain parameters to achieve sustainable tourism development in Unguja and Pemba. The desired
outcome is to define desired conditions and thresholds for tourism growth and associated impacts
from tourism that balances. - The Ministry of Tourism and Heritage (MoTH) now invites eligible consultants to express their
interest in providing the above-mentioned services. Interested firms must provide information
indicating their professional capability to undertake the consultancy services. Such information
may include company profile, brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, project management methodology, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc. - A shortlist of consultants will be prepared based on Expression of Interest submitted to (MoTH) through e proz system. The selection of a consultant will be Based on Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) in accordance with procedures set out in the Public Procurement and disposal of Public assets (Selection of Employment of Consultants) Regulations, 2021.
- A complete set of this RFP in ENGLISH may be purchased by interested Consultant after submit payment receipt of Tender access fees through E-PROZ in amount of 200,000/- through: Account Name: Public Procurement,
Bank Account Number 0406588000
Bank name People’s Bank of Zanzibar (PBZ). - All Bidders who would like to participate in this task should be registered in e-Proz system
through Zanzibar Public Procurement and Disposal Authority (ZPPDA). - A “Bid Security” of TZS 10,000,000.00 must accompany all bids.
- All Bids must be submitted online through www.zppda.go.tz in (eproz portal) or link:
eprocurement.zppda.go.tz properly filled in, and must be submitted before Thursday 23rd
February, 2023, 10:30 am. Expression of Interest will be opened promptly thereafter in public and in the presence of consultants’ representatives who choose to attend in the opening at the Ministry of Tourism and Heritage Conference Room, First Floor Head Office at Kikwajuni. - Late Quotation or Quotation that is not submitted on line is not opened in public shall not be
accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.
P.O. BOX 2277,